5 Reasons to Consider a Wellness Plan for Your Pet

dog with vetYou love and cherish your pet just as much as your family and friends, so don’t skimp when it comes to your dog’s or cat’s wellness plan. But considering that the PPO from your employer doesn’t come with an option for pet coverage, how can you guarantee you pet receives the best possible medical care?

At the Affordable Pet Hospital, we offer a range of puppy, kitten, adult canine, and adult feline wellness plans that cover everything from comprehensive exams and office calls to vaccines and dental cleaning. Choosing a wellness plan is the best thing you can do for your furry friend, and here are the top five reasons to prove it! Read more

How to Safely Introduce Your Dog to Your New Baby

dog with babyIf you’re like many couples, then your dog was your first beloved baby who you spoiled shamelessly and showered with attention. Now that you have a real baby due to become another member of your home, it’s time to prepare your dog for such a big change.

Why prepare your pup specifically for your new baby’s arrival? A newborn will undoubtedly completely transform your home—from your daily routine and number of visitors to sights, sounds, and smells. Since your canine thrives on predictability, so many changes have the potential to spark bad behavior. Some dogs adjust better than others, but preparation is always a smart idea. Read more

When is it Safe to Expose a Puppy to Other Dogs?

dogs1Human parents of new pups worry about exposing their cute little fuzzy kids to adult dogs too soon. But waiting too long can be a problem, too, if the puppy is going to be part of a household with other dogs.

Some veterinarians will tell owners of young puppies to wait until they’ve had all their vaccines before they meet other dogs. This can take up to four months! Remember, months are years for dogs. You would wait until your kid had all his or her shots to let him play with other toddlers, right? Read more