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Keeping Your Pup Safe During the Dog Days of Summer
These are truly the dog days of summer, especially in Tampa, Florida where it’s common for July and August temperatures to spike above 100 degrees. As much fun as summer can be, it is also a season of extra strain on your dog. Be sure to follow these simple tips to keep your pup safe […]
Pet Obesity: How to Keep Your Pet Healthy
It is commonly known that obesity among Americans is a growing epidemic, but not as many people realize that pet obesity is also a significant concern in our country. According to the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention, an estimated 59 percent of cats and 54 percent of dogs are overweight or obese, and those numbers […]
Keeping Your Pet Safe in the Summer Heat
The heat of summer has already reached Tampa, which means it is time to brush up on your summer safety habits. Florida’s hottest months can be uncomfortable and even dangerous to people and pets alike. As the temperature soars, these tips will help you keep your furry friends safe and happy until autumn arrives and […]
The True Importance of Neutering Your Male Dog
Times have changed dramatically from the days when dogs were permitted to freely roam neighborhoods without any form of protection. Today, families keep their dogs secured around the house, socialize them strategically, and make medical care a top priority. This medical care includes the process of neutering dogs shortly after they are born. From population […]
How to Care for Your Cat after Spaying or Neutering
Spaying or neutering your cat is an important element of his or her health. The American Humane Society believes that all cats and dogs adopted from public and private animal care facilities should be spayed or neutered to help prevent pet overpopulation. Considering that nearly 4 million poor animals are euthanized at shelters each year […]