How to Protect Your Pet from Ticks While Camping

If you like to take your pet camping with you, you need to take some additional precautions against fleas and ticks. The methods you use for flea and tick prevention at home may not be sufficient to prevent ticks while camping in the woods, where ticks are everywhere. There are some very good ways that you can help protect your pet from ticks.

Flea Collars

Even if you normally use an oral medication or once-a-month topical application, it doesn’t hurt to throw a flea and tick collar on your pet when you go camping. This can give them an extra layer of protection and discourage ticks from going to the most common places — like inside ears.

Check your pet often.

If you are camping in an area that is likely to have a lot of ticks, you should check your pet often for ticks and other pests. You should check your pet all over their body during one thorough check at least once per day. Doing this after your hiking for the day is done and before the sun starts to set is the best time because you’ll have plenty of natural light to assist you.

Remove ticks immediately.

Even if your precautions are unsuccessful and your pet still gets ticks, make sure that you remove them immediately. Ticks should always be removed within the first 24 to 36 hours whenever possible. Not removing ticks promptly can lead to infection and transmission of disease. 

If your pet gets ticks while you’re camping and they seem to be having an adverse reaction, contact us for an appointment.