Behavioral Changes that Point to Physical Health Issues

Did you know that your pet is talking to you all the time? You may not always be able to understand them, but your pet knows what they need, and they will try to tell you as their caregiver. If you write off their behavior as quirkiness, you might be putting off an important health issue. Here are some behavioral changes that will tell you that you need to take your pet to the vet.

Changes in eating habits

Is your pet suddenly refusing to eat? Pets do get bored with their food, and sometimes they will refuse to eat because they miss one of their humans or other emotional distress. But often your pet’s refusal to eat their food has more to do with their stomach and potential digestive problems. You should get your pet checked out any time their appetite changes.

Peeing in the house

If your pet has been house broken for a while and has started peeing in the house, it could be an indicator of a health issue. First, check their water bowl and see how much they are actually drinking. If they are drinking in excess, it could indicate several potential health issues. If your pet is suddenly unable to hold their bladder, this could also be an indication of illness or infection.


Has your dog started snapping at you? Barking in the house? Making children nervous? You have to address irritability and aggression in your pet right away, especially if you have children or other pets, but often that irritability has nothing to do with behavior problems. If your pet is usually pretty laid back and starts being snappy, it is probably because he/she is in pain or discomfort.

Withdrawn from the family

Has your pet withdrawn from your family recently? Are they spending more time alone and leaving the room when people come into it? Just as you don’t want to be bothered when you don’t feel well, your pet also needs that space. But if they stay withdrawn for more than a few days, a trip to the vet isn’t necessarily a bad idea.

Worried about your pet’s behavior? Bring them to our clinic for a full evaluation. If your pet is physically healthy, we can also help with behavior classes.