How to Care for Your New Bunny

Dogs and cats are standard household pets, but what about bunny rabbits? Rabbits are very popular pets around Easter time, but they require just as much care, attention, and commitment as cats and dogs. If you are eager to get a new pet bunny, be sure to take these tips to heart. Without the right care, bunnies only live a fraction of their average lifespan.

Create Safe and Nurturing Housing For Your Bunny

Just like dogs have crates and pillows, bunnies need their own habitat within your house. It’s perfectly fine for your bunny to run freely through bunny-proofed rooms, but it’s also important to give your rabbit a large cage or “bunny condo” in a central location. You don’t want to isolate your bunny, so place her “home” in your family room or living room. Be sure it is large enough to allow your pet to hop around and move comfortably, and always let her out for exercise a few hours a day. Read more